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Tarrant County Health Equity Alliance (HEAL)
HEAL is a nonprofit coalition dedicated to eliminated racial and socioeconomic disparities in maternal and infant health in Tarrant County. General body meetings occur every first Thursday from 11:30AM-1:00PM. For more information, contact

Tarrant County Birth Equity Collaborative

BEC is comprised of parents, community partners, and health partners working to identify, plan, and implement strategies to eliminate birth inequities in Tarrant County. General body meets occur every last Tuesday from 6:00PM – 7:00PM. For more information, contact

Dallas Healthy Start Community Action Network Birth Equity (CAN BE)
CAN BE is a coalition comprised of community residents, partners, and service providers focused on addressing racial disparities in maternal and infant health in Dallas County. For more information, contact Neshell Jackson Neshell Jackson

Local MCH/RJ Organizations

There are a number of amazing organizations in North Texas whose work is focused on reproductive justice and maternal and child health and who may need student interns who are dependable, highly motivated, and passionate!

    1. Abide Women’s Health Services
    2. Abounding Prosperity, Inc.
    3. Black Ladies in Public Health (headquarters)
    4. Delighted to Doula Postpartum Doula Services
    5. Hagar’s Heart
    6. For the People Birth Equity
    7. Tarrant County Public Health Family Health Services Division
    8. The Afiya Center
    9. Paradigm Doulas
    10. Parkland Healthy Start Program
    11. UNTHSC Healthy Start Program

UTA Undergraduate Research Programs

      1. McNair Scholars Program
      2. Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP)
      3. McNair Scholars Program
      4. Undergraduate Research Assistant Program (UGRAP)
      5. Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP)
      6. The University of Texas at Arlington Summer Undergraduate Research Program in Integrative Physiology (SURPINT)

Local Fellowship Opportunities

    1. Texas Health Resources | Gerry C. Gunnin Public Health Memorial Fellowship
    2. Texas Health & Human Services | Texas Public Health Fellowship

National/International Fellowship Opportunities

    1. CDC Fellowships for High School, Undergraduates, Masters, and Doctoral Students
    2. American Evaluation Association | Graduate Education Diversity Internship
    3. CDC | Evaluation Fellowship Program
    4. NIH Internships for Current Students and Recent Graduates
    5. NIH Pre and Postdoctoral Fellowships
    6. American Heart Association| Predoctoral Fellowship
    7. PHI/CDC Global Health Internship
    8. Renewell Foundation – Maternal Mental Health Community Health Worker Certificate Program (free/virtual)
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